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Saviez-vous qu'il y a des codes secrets sur certains flippers?

haunted house

Membre FF
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Entrons dans le vif du sujet, Je surfais sur la toile et je suis tombé sur des codes secrets débloquant certaines fonctions cachées ou missions sur certains flippers comme sur les consoles de jeu...

certains textes sont encore en anglais, Voilà ce que j'ai trouvé:

G = bouton de flip gauche
D = " " droit
B = boutons de flip gauche et droit ensembles (both)
C = bouton de cr�dit "start"
L = bouton du lance bille (gachette sur certains mod�les)

ADDAMS FAMILY addams.jpg (3924 octets)

Faire apparaitre des vaches (en game over avec cr�dit � 0)
7G, 1C, 14D, 1C, 20G, 1C

ADDAMS FAMILY Gold addams.jpg (3924 octets)

Faire apparaitre des vaches (en game over avec cr�dit � 0)
12G, 1C, 5D, 1C, 4G, 1C
tafg.gif (2028 octets)

CACTUS CANYON cactus.jpg (3917 octets) Bally 06/98

The 14th collected jackpot is a "Cow of a jackpot!".

Sometimes when the Barfly gets swatted, it will be a Cowfly and a "moo" is heard.

If you hear an insect buzzing when the heavy bag is hit, quickly hit the launch button. This will give you a Barfly, Cowfly or Bobfly. 100k and a Smart Punch is also awarded.

The boxing man assembly was modeled after programmer Duncan Brown.

CHAMPION PUB champion.jpg (4741 octets) Bally 05/98


Some of the obstacles in the Video mode are cows and at rare occasions a "3" is one of the obstacles.

One of the judges in the bonus sequence is a cow and another judge is called DOHO.

Sometimes when you hit the Ringmaster, a moo is heard.

A cow sometimes fly away as debree in the DMD animation for hitting the Ringmaster. Other debrees are bolts and pigeons.

There�s a cow on the backglass, above the acrobat to the right.

The Attract mode sound is a moo.

Enter MOO for initials in the high score table and the Ringmaster will pop up and say "moo!". (Game ROM rev. 2.0 home)

Sometimes the pie that hits the clown in the match animation is replaced with a cow, similar to the ones that Rooney jumps over in the Video mode.

Sometimes the 1�s digit on the display flips to a skull, a cow, a frog from Scared Stiff or a Tommy Ticket (from Ticket Tac Toe).

In the Attract mode�s history of the circus, a cow is mentioned in two places.

John Popadiuk can be seen as the Fabio-looking acrobat on the backglass.

In Attract mode, press one of these codes:
B, 3L, 10R, 19L, 1R (that spells CJS)
B, 16L, 1R, 2L, 1R (PAB)
B, 13L, 15R, 15L, 1R (MOO) Start a game directly after entering this code and the sound effect for hitting the first Ringmaster will be "moo".
B, 18L, 3R, 19L, 1R (RCS)
B, 7L, 7R, 3L, 1R (GGC)
B, 6L, 18R, 14L, 1R (FRN) Will perform a system reboot.
B, 13L, 1R, 2L, 1R (MAB, works only on 2.0 ROMs)
B, 3L, 19R, 19L, 1R (CSS, works only on 2.0 ROMs)
Please note that the L & R are reversable on all the codes to this game.

CONGO congo.jpg (4494 octets) Williams 95/96

There is a midnight madness, only when your special mode is turned on, what it does ?????? I don't know.

During the Satellite Transfer, the first six or seven hits will get you various pictures of gorillas, diamonds and the like. The eighth hit gives a cow that moo�s. The next hit gives a duck that quacks, probably the Peking duck from Shadow. After that comes the picture "move your car" from CFTBL, with the appropriate sampling. Then follows the "Here's Your Hotdog" picture without the original sampling.

Start a game just before midnight to enable "Midnight Madness".

Enter MOO in the high score list to hear a nice "moo". If you also become Loop or Diamond Champion you�ll hear a second moo.

CORVETTE corvette.jpg (5004 octets) Williams 08/94

Before you plunge the ball into play, hit a flipper button to make the motor shake with a reving sound.

One of the tracks is the Holstein Track, and Holstein is a breed of cow.

When you start the "Catch me if you can"-sequence a car with one of four women drives up on the screen, but at rare occasions a cow drives the car instead, with the text "Moo" at the bottom of the screen.

Hit 2L, 1R, 2L before plunging. The control gate near the LT1 roll-over lanes will open, allowing the plunged ball to go to the upper flipper for a shot at the side ramp, or loop.
Hit 2R, 1L, 2R to close the gate again.

Creature from the Black... creature.jpg (4612 octets)Bally 12/92

Appuyez sur les 2 boutons de flips quand vous allez dans le trou �jecteur du "snack bar", Si vous avez allum� les 4 cibles turquoises, "No more bad food" s'affiche et le snackbar explose.
M�me manip quand le serveur du snack vous donne le menu, on voit la phrase "Come here, punk", "Fatality" apparait et il se fait �trangler avec le bruit qui va avec..

Appuyer une fois supl�mentaire sur les boutons de flips lorsque vous avez r�ussi le combat dans le vid�o-mode. "Knockout" s'affiche, et vous avez droit � une animation sanglante...

When you reach 35M in Super Creature Feature, the game stops awarding points, and the display says "DON'T BE GREEDY". Presumably this is to stop Diner-style play from keeping the ball going in the Whirlpool forever. It's actually quite hilarious.

When the P-A-I-D targets are completed for the first time, keep your eyes on the lower right corner of the display when the animation is finished.

One of the awards you can get from the Snackbar is a hamburger.

Flipping the flippers when...
...the Snackbar opens awards "No more bad food" and the snackbar blows up.
...the Snackbar guy gives you the meny awards the quote "Come here, punk".
...the display reads "Knockout" after Video mode will give you a violent animation.

Just to the left of the Snackbar guy in the animation you can read HI DO HO.

When you shoot F in FILM (you get the picture with 2 people kissing) DOHO can be seen in the lower right corner of the display.

Between the flippers there's a Cadillac with the name "Trudeau" on it. This is the name of a designer.

If you tap both flippers when the project team is listed on the DMD you get the following message after all the members have been shown.



There are two sound clips that are never used in the game, and they were apparently put in by the programmers just as jokes, never to be found.
They are:
* (HAL-type voice) "I'm sorry, Jeff. Only five percent of available (Not sure about the %).
RAM can be accessed at this time."
* (Boomy Announcer) "Jeff! You are a weenie!"

DEMOLITION MAN Williams 02/94

Il y a quelques astuces cach�es accessibles uniquement lorsque l'on joue avec les manettes et non les boutons de flips traditionnels. Tous les "combos" donnent 1 million suppl�mentaire lors du d�compte du bonus � la fin de la bille en jeu.

Pressing both thumb buttons on the handles during a multiball awards the next Jackpot as a "Secret Jackpot" (not including super jackpots).

Pressing both thumb buttons when you get "Big Points/1million" from the top lock yields an "Eat at Joe's" graphic and 5 million points.

Pressing both thumb buttons *and* both triggers when you get "Big points/1million" from the top lock yields "WAG" for 10 million points.

Pressing both thumb buttons right after the third Capture Simon shot (when you've
captured him) yields a 10 million capture bonus.

Pressing both thumb buttons right after hitting the second Retina Scan yields a great
graphic of the prison warden getting his eye poked out and used for the retina scan ... plus 10 million. This is called the "Smithers" bonus after the character in the movie.

Pressing both thumb buttons right after getting the U-Look-Gr8-2Day gives you a 10 million "Feel Great" bonus ...

DIRTY HARRY Williams 1995

When having the "Body Armor", drain the ball during "Meet the mob". When the ball is launched back all the mobsters will have cowheads.

Start a game just before midnight to enable "Midnight Madness".

DOCTOR WHO Bally 09/92

With the Transmat not fully powered, hit the Transmat target. This will at random show a cow in a doctor outfit along with a mooing sound effect.

DRACULA Williams 04/93

Durant la partie, During the game, a close-up of Dracula's eyes appears on the display at random intervals. When his eyes are crossed (typically during idle periods early in a game), press the Start button for a picture of Fluffy the Vampire (he looks suspiciously like one of the Doctors from Dr. Who!) and 20 points. This may or may not work if you have credits in the machine (the Start button may start another game instead).

Kill the groveller!

When the ball falls into the ball popper hole in the middle-left of the playfield and the voice announces - "Master you
promised me eternal life!" and awards you 5,000,000, as soon as he says "Master..." hit both flipper buttons

FISH TALES Williams 1992

Press the start button 3 times when the "skeleton fish" is crossing the display. This gives you a Fishbone bonus worth 10 points.
The person in the displays during the 10 point Fishbone bonus is someone named Russ who went to school with Dot Matrix artist Scott Slomiany. Reported to be an avid fisherman.

Stuff on the backglass:
The fishermen are artist Pat McMahon and designer Mark Ritchie.
The cap on McMahons� head has "MAX" on it, a slightly used nickname for him.
The fisherman in the water filled waders (wearing a baseball hat) is Carl
Biagi - a Mechanical Engineer on many of Steve Ritchie's games.
The man being thrown out of the boat has "DUCK" on his right shoe.
The man being thrown out of the boat has "SKALON" (mechanical man Jack Skalon) on his left shoe.
There's a beercan just above and to the right of the second boat with CG (Chris Granner) on it.
There's a bag in the boat with the initials MP (Mark Penacho) on it.
The worm is Jim Patla. "It kind of fit his personality at the time" -Brian Eddy.
On the side of the boat it says "imadv8" meaning "I am a deviate".
The name of the boat is "Crazy Johnny", named after John McMahon (Pat�s brother?).

Stuff on the playfield:
The plastic lightshield near the right fish-targets shows a bug with a parachute. On this parachute "BUZZ" is written and a "3".
There's a "3" on a plastic lightshield near the left outlane, it shows a fake fish with hooks attached to it. These hooks are double hooks, forming a "3".


DOHO can be seen in the following places:
In the animation where you spell CONCRETE.
In the Match animation.
During Water Buffalo mode, on the side of the stage.

GETAWAY Williams 02/93

A l'instant o� vous venez de bloquer une 2i�me bille, l'animation "donut heaven" apparait sur l'afficheur et il doit y avoir 3 voitures de police gar�es. A cet instant, actionner rapidement le levier de vitesse en haut et en bas, une paire de fois. "secret mania" s'affiche quelques secondes plus tard. Resultat : pendant 20 secondes chaque cible touch�e augmente de 500 mille points le bonus "Redline Mania" qui est collect� � la fin du compte � rebours.

HURRICANE Williams 1991

Sometimes when you enter the lit Hurricane ramp, you can see a picture of a cow accompanied with a moo, you can also get a picture of a huge eye.

Sometimes the unlit Ferris Wheel will get you an inchworm or four ducks.

INDIANA JONES : The Pinball Adventure, Williams 1993

Watch the background during the Shoot Again animation, the top right figure is a cow and DOHO can be seen to the left of it.

DOHO is written vertically on the crate to the right in the match animation.
DOHO can be seen on the road sign in the Dr. Jones loop animation sequence.

During two-ball multiball, shoot the captive ball 5 times to award the item "The Fish Of Tales".

During "Find Marion" mode, after finding Marion, the shoot out scene can be ended in two ways;
either shooting the mode start hole, or pulling the gun trigger. After completing the shootout sequence, a face of a woman can be seen on the side of the building in the background.

INDIANAPOLIS indianapolis.jpg (4433 octets) Bally 02/91

Secret Mode: Many times I have started a secret mode at the Center Hole, when Start Race was lit. (Remember that I have no idea what Start Race does, or how to light it...) The mode just told me that "Jets Give Neat Stuff". It didn't lie either. Each jet improved it's own aspect of the game. The mode ended when the ball left the jets. This mode only available when the ball is in the center hole and Green Flag is lit.

JUDGE DREDD Bally 1993

Press the red buttons when...
...you shoot the Sniper Tower to recollect the value and the sniper smacks into a wire fence.
...the Safecracker guy opens the safe and smiles.
...Judge Dredd speaks into a C.B. and tells you to "get the Extra Ball".

The criminal in "35 years for arms dealing" is the girl getting kissed from "Creature from The Black Lagoon".

The criminal in "15 years for auto theft" is the snackbar operator from "Creature from The Black Lagoon".

Hidden audits: In Attract mode when the display reads "CREDITS", press 1L,1R,1L,1R,1L quickly. This will show audits about played Super Games.

THE MACHINE Williams 02/91

Shoot your 2nd ball into the Power Charge at the end of multiball. If you get credit for the Power Charge while the other ball is being registered at the bottom of the drain where it kicks it back to the reserve, DOUBLE SCORING WILL STAY ACTIVE! So if you have a drain, shoot for the Power Charge as soon as you can. If you get it at the right time, you're golden. However, it WILL end if you shoot the ball back up the Shuttle Ramp. It might also end if you shoot the Power Charge again, but I'm not
sure about that.

MEDIEVAL MADNESS medieval.jpg (4731 octets) Williams 06/97

Une arme secrete est disponible dans le "video mode".

NO FEARS Williams 05/95

BLLLLLLLLRLLLLLRLLLLLRLLLLLLRR (the same code as STTNG's game logos) which shows on the display: Put your 3D glasses on now. If you use this during a game, then some of the stuff on the DMD will "flitter" (or something) for that game, but it seems nobody really knows what to make out of this. I tried playing a game, hitting the code at the beginning, and wearing 3-D glasses for the whole game, but except for the red/orange lights vs. blue areas of the playfield, I didn't see any 3-D effect. It looked kinda cool, but the flickering DMD didn't do much for it.
If you hold down the extra ball button at the beginning of Air challenge, and hit the skydive while holding it down and while it's still at 25M, you get 50M instead, and an MK3 hint. Skull says "Congratulations." I am told that in MK3, there is a secret "move" which doesn't do anything, but displays the message "NO FEAR - EB BUTTON, SKYDIVE, MAX COUNTDOWN." The MK3 Hint screen had "MK3 Hint" in big letters with 6 boxes below it, and there was a picture (a face?) in the 3rd box.

ROADSHOW roadshow.jpg (4898 octets)

When in "Bob's bunker" and the display says "Uranium ore $3 a chunk" hit both flippers together a couple of times to start construction madness mode.

SCARED TIFF scared.jpg (4626 octets) Bally 09/96

1) If you press the start button 3 times you get two picks from the spider instead of one.

2) Les programmeurs ont dissimul� dans le logiciel quelques une de leur date d'anniversaire. A certaines dates, quand vous mettez sous tension le flipper, vous pouvez entendre une fanfare et voir sur l'afficheur une message "happy birthday".
Les dates connues � ce jour sont :
Tania le 5 d�cembre
Alan le 22 f�vrier.
Mike 16 Mars
Cameron 18 Septembre
Eydie 5 Janvier
Heather 14 Mai
Paul 11 Novembre
Lindsey 24 Septembre
Lauren 30 Ao�t

THE SHADOW shadows.jpg (4226 octets) Bally 11/94

n attract mode, hit the flippers to advance to the next screen (like STTNG). Hit both flippers to see the scores of the last game played.
During the video mode, pull the trigger to clear the display, and keep it clear for a few seconds. You can only do it once per video mode, and beware, when those Phurba's return, there are plently of them, and they are f-a-s-t!
During the Mongol hurry up, pull the trigger to end the mode, and award 3 million.

STAR TREK TNG ttng.jpg (4589 octets) Williams 11/93

Poker with Riker: In the Holodeck when you are presented with the choice of 25 million or Shuttle Simulation, hold in the trigger and press the right flipper button to play poker with Riker.
Steve Ritchie's Easter Egg: To see the logo's of all of Steve Ritchie's past games, enter this combination during a game, or in attract mode:
[R = Right flipper, L = Left flipper, B = Both]
Secret Mission: When the right ramp lights a holodeck, the display says 'Holodeck x
ready'. When x is 3, pull the trigger three times. It's a 20 second frenzy where every
target is worth a weird number of points, and every target causes the communicator
Secret Video Mode, On the first ball hit a flipper x number of times and choose light
lock. Then on the second ball, hit a flipper y number of times and choose light lock.
Then on the third ball, hit a flipper z number of times and choose light holodeck. This is all fact, although the exact values of x, y and z are unknown; as are which flippers to

When losing a play mode quickly or doing bad on it, Mr Data says "If you had propelled the ball on the proper trajectory you would have been rewarded" before he finishes his sentence, press both flipper buttons together, this shuts him up and awards points.

Secret mission - when lighting the holodeck (via the right ramp) the machine displays "holodeck X is ready", when X is 3, immediately pull the gun trigger three times in quick succession. Sometimes the machine displays either 1,2 or 4, these have no effect and cannot start the secret mission.

When the ball goes into the advance in rank hole when it is not lit for an award, a shuttle craft is displayed leaving a star base (?), pull the gun trigger once and watch the display.

In attract mode (when machine is idol) press the flipper buttons in this sequence, (B = both flipper buttons together, L number of presses on the left button, R number of presses on the right button.), B, 8L, 1R, 5L, 1R, 5L, 1R, 6L, 2R

THEATRE OF MAGIC theatre.jpg (4555 octets) Bally 02/95

Hold in the left flipper button when starting a game. "Congratulations!" Display reads: Digital Pinball Selected. The first Basement Award will be Pinball, and you play for 40 million.
Hold in the right flipper when starting a game. "Congratulations!" Display reads: MK3 Symbols Activated. Spell THEATRE to Reveal Symbols. It didn't seem to do anything, though.
Play Hat Magic, and shoot the Trunk three times. The third time will bring up a telephone. The assistant puts it to her ear... "MOVE YER CAR!"


As has already been described elsewhere, you can collect "cheat" Mania Jackpots during Powerball Mania and Lost In The Zone by shooting the Camera shortly after tripping the upper exit opto on the Powerfield. This is probably the most reliable and helpful of the cheats listed here.

If the Extra Ball Buy-In is enabled on your machine, you can use it in a multi-player game as a cheat. When the Buy-In is offered to Player One, wait for the ball to be delivered to the plunger lane (this happens long before the Buy-In expires). Plunge the ball while the Buy-In is still being offered and, before the ball reaches the gate in the plunger lane, press Start or flip both flippers to abort the Buy-In. The software will not notice that you tripped the Skill Shot Rollovers. Instead, it will see the ball in the Slot Machine and award a random Door Panel as if you had hit the Slot Machine fairly. This will not work, of course, if your machine does not relight the Slot Machine automatically and it was previously unlit. This trick works even on L-4 ROMs.

I have been told that if there is at least one ball sitting in the Lock Lane and you have an Extra Ball lit, you can pick the machine up and trip the Lock Lane sensor with that ball to collect the Extra Ball. Supposedly, this will work even when the machine has Tilted or when the Extra Ball Buy-In is being offered, but I have not verified this. I have, however, had the machine mysteriously award the lit Extra Ball after a Death Save - this is likely the same effect.

When Lost In The Zone starts, any balls in the Lock Lane are ejected, of course. However, these balls are ejected early in the opening animation, before other balls are put into play. If you are careful, you can get this ball up the Right Ramp right away, and if you trip the upper exit opto, the balls coming out of the Gumball Machine will be counted as Mania Jackpots!

Si vous gagnez une partie gratuite lors du d�compte du bonus en fin de bille, appuyez sur les 2 boutons de flip. Un bonus compl�mentaire de 5 millions est ajout� et la mention "Bonus Flipper" s'affiche.
Note : si vous attendez pour appuyer sur les flips que le premier rouleau de l'animation du jackpot s'arr�te, vous avez droit en plus � une sympathique effet sonore.

There are persistent rumours and reported sightings of the Super Stunt Cow in Twilight Zone. It has always been reported in a particular context: collecting a replay by loading the Gumball Machine. Variations specify a lit right Spiral, a Powerball in play, lighting Extra Ball from the lit right Spiral, etc. I have not seen this or been able to reproduce it, so if it exists, the conditions are likely very picky.


Faire apparaitre des vaches COWS (en Game-Over, avec le cr�dit � 0)
G x 3, Start x 1, D x15, Start x1, G x23.
Merci de l'avoir mis sur FF mais oui cela existe

Cows and Eggs je crois que cela se nomme ainsi
Souvent on parle d'easter eggs du fait que ce soit caché, comme les noeufs de paques vivi
Couin a dit:
Souvent on parle d'easter eggs du fait que ce soit caché, comme les noeufs de paques vivi
Que viennent faire des oeufs ??? poc poc poc POOOCCCC
Je ne savais pas merci de l'info, hanted house, je vais essayer ça sur mes machines ...
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