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AFM erreur deviateur toujours ouvert


Membre FF
Salut à tous,

je touche au but sur la restauration de mon afm, cependant il me reste UNE erreur et je seche.

erreur " verif déviateur toujours ouvert" .
j'ai verifié, les contacts , les switchs, les opto autour de la zone des cibles tombantes, et impossible de trouver d'ou vient le soucis :(

Auriez vous la solution afin de ne plus avoir ce soucis.

Si tu parles bien du bloc de cibles fixes, motorisées, il y a deux µSwitch
Pour la position basse, haute

Est ce qu'ils sont bien lus par la matrice (test contacts) ?
Salut David,
apparemment oui, et les cibles fixes motorisées, montent et descendent parfaitement en jeu.
le problème doit venir du trou juste apres la cible tombante rouge sous la soucoupe à mon avis.
parfois, quand la bille tombe dans ce trou ca me donne un Lock ce qui n'est pas normal.
ca ne doit pas etre grand chose
si la bobine ne fonctionne pas, soit soudure défaillante, ou bobine ou transistor hs.
(la porte est bien fermée pendant le test?)
je connais pas ce flip assez bien, mais sers toi de la doc pour localiser le switch sur le plan. Je me souviens aussi, que sur le gateway, il y a 2 bobines, l'une pour actionner le déviateur et l'autre pour le maintenir... peut-etre est- ce la meme chose?
j'ai trouvé ca sur le net, mais j ai pas tout compris :

Williams Attack From Mars Switch Error Diverter Stuck Open

During test report I get the above message.

I tested the diverter in test mode. It worked fine. I checked RGP. They stated that the switch behind the diverter was not registering. This was the problem. A message in the test report that the switch may not be working would be more helpful.
à ce que je comprends, c'est que le switch n'existe pas sur le plateau, mais est programmé dans l'eprom du jeu, ce qui veut dire que le message d'erreur reviendra au bout de x parties quand le jeu verra qu'il n'est pas utilisé!!!
Y a le meme probleme sur le judge dredd, d'un switch qu'ils ont enlevé et qu'ils ont oublié de déprogrammer dans l'eprom.
Regarde quelle est ton eprom et si dans les mises à jour le problème a été résolu...
Pour connaitre un peu le jeu de l'AFM, je suspecterais la fonction qui permet de faire le tour en haut quand on lance la bille en maintenant le flip gauche levé pour le tir de précision sur la rampe comme sur le MM ...
Version 1.1
Date: June 10, 1996
G11: Checksum: 4E11

Changes from revision 1.0:

The Loop/Gate has been modified to kick balls out of the
trough immediately, and to kick balls out of the shooter lane

Completing the MARTIAN targets when they are available but
when the Martian Attack feature cannot be enabled (i.e. when
Rule The Universe is lit) now awards 1 Martian Bomb instead
of nothing.

The five way combo was being audited for every combo past
the fifth (i.e. 6, 7, 8, ..., etc). This has been corrected.

Fixed the Ball Save adjustment to enable turning off ball saves.

Modified some display and lamp effects.

100 billion scores and higher now display properly in high
score to date, status report, and attract mode.

The maximum shot value during Total Annihilation was changed
from 500 million to 250 million.

Total bonus is now displayed in the status report.

In version 1.0, if super jets was running and a loop shot
was completed (i.e. all three lights solid), a shot to the
loop would divert the ball to the jets. This is not a bug,
rather, a feature. This behavior has been changed so that
a ball shot to a completed loop will not be diverted to the
jets (thus making the 5-way combo a bit easier to obtain).

A "dirty pool" feature was added. If an attack wave is not
running, and the motorized 3-bank is up, and the center trough
switch (behind the drop target) is made, the player is credited
with the next attack wave. This feature is awarded only once
per player, per game.

Stroke of Luck is now enabled via the bottom lanes even when
it cannot be collected (i.e. during multiball). It still can't
be collected during multiball, of course, but when multiball
ends, Stroke of Luck will be lit if enabled in this way.

If Super Jets was running when Rule the Universe was started,
there was no way to start Rule the Universe again on the same
ball (since super jets is a "until end of ball" feature). If
this case is detected, the super jets light is now spotted.

Version 1.0
Date: February 5, 1996
G11: Checksum: EB10

This is the release of software for production.

This version requires sound revision 1.0:

S2: Checksum: 2300
S3: Checksum: CB00
S4: Checksum: 7D00

Changes from revision 0.3:

Added lots of lamp effects, display effects, and sound effects.

Added all of the German, French, and Spanish translations.

Added the "1 Martian Bomb" award to the Stroke Of Luck feature.

Added lots of switch compensation code.

Implemented the family mode adjustment. This adjustment
affects 4 phrases: "We'll Blow The Snot Out Of You, Martian",
"Damn, You Some Ugly Martians", "Germany Will Kick Your Martian
Butt To The Moon", "You Know, I Enjoy Killing These Martians".
If family mode is adjusted ON, these phrases will not be said.

Changed and added some audits.

The start replay level was changed to go as high as 20 billion.

Added a high score for "Rule The Universe".

Added a "victory lap" feature for winning Rule The Universe.

Added the "Saucer Attack" video mode. This is an award from
the Stroke Of Luck feature.

Added the sneak attack feature. This is an award from the

Stroke Of Luck feature.

Implemented novice mode.

The wire color/transistor information in coil test has been
updated to show the correct information.

Version: 0.3
G11: Checksum 5003
Date: December 13, 1995

This is the first release of software for production of sample games.
Il n'est pas question d'un défaut de contact.
Non 1.1 la seule et vraie version Williams et officielle
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